Ancient roots and modern knowledge of Kinesiology and Psychology are combined in Secret Elements Qi Gong.

Its movements go back to the old knowledge of Daoist and Buddhist health exercises and work on the foundation of traditional Chinese medicine. Beside that it is the first system incorporating the kinesiological muscle connections and modern insights of mind training.



Secret Elements Qi Gong

Qi Gong combined with Kinesiology, Emotional Balance & Self-Healing

  • Teacher Trainings

    Become a Secret Elements Qi Gong teacher in our teacher training system from a level 1 basic teacher to a full level 3 instructor... 

  • Corporate Trainings

    Train your team in Secret Elements Qi Gong to support their health, emotional well-being and productivity...

  • Self Healing

    Secret Elements is a full self-healing method used by therapists and teachers. Learn the system and support others and yourself...

“ The Secret Elements Qi Gong Course was deeply insightful and gave me a great understanding of how energy and the natural laws of the universe work. Sascha is a patient and kind teacher and holds a depth of knowledge. I feel excited to share what I have learned with others and to continue to practice the techniques to master Qi Gong and all areas of my life. ”

Skye Smith

Yoga Teacher and Graphic Designer

“ I really got a lot out of the course. I would say it is accessible even to people who have never practiced qi gong before, like myself. I loved that it was a fun, informative yet experientially focused way to learn the Secret Elements practice.
Thank you so much for the training. I am looking forward to level 2! Much love! ”

Rachel Niclair

Yoga Teacher

The Secret Elements Qi Gong DVD

Order our beautiful DVD training program here. You can choose your element and then follow a 10 minute program shot in the marvelous landscape of Mallorca.


Secret Elements Qi Gong is a system that can easily be learned and practiced by everybody. The basic exercises can be performed standing, seated or even lying. As they widen the awareness for your body movements they transform into a deeper exercise each time they are practiced. The benefits that come from a finer connection between body and mind are of immense value. If you are in a period of illness, in older age, an athlete or competitor, or just for your daily life.


Qi Gong is one of the best methods to increase your body awareness and learn the ability to relax. The soft movements increase your fine motor skills step by step and strengthen your brain/body connection. Besides the typical soft movements Secret Elements Qi Gong offers also exercises which gently strengthen the muscles and increases mobility. Each exercise set consists of the 3 phases: Strength, Flexibility & Energy.


Secret Elements Qi Gong reaches deep into the field of self healing and emotional balance. Thus it is a powerful tool for therapists or a personal help kit for a balanced life. Each of the five traditional Chinese elements represent specific emotions and mental states, which can be directly addressed through the exercises. Mental training and programming deepen the therapeutic aspect in later levels of Secret Elements.

About the Founders

Martin Nienhaus &

Sascha Wagener

Secret Elements Qi Gong goes back to years of research by Martin who linked Qi Gong movements to the Kinesiological muscle connection. Sascha brought in his research and training in various Qi Gong styles. And together they compiled this system that incorporates the whole treasure of Qi Gong methods from various styles and modern knowledge of Kinesiology and Psychology. With this, Secret Elements Qi Gong is more than just Qi Gong. It is an internal training method but also a self-healing toolkit, emotional balance training and a tool for therapists, coaches and counsellors.

© Copyrights by Secret Elements Qi Gong. All Rights Reseved.